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The Elk Grove Village Public Works Department has earned full accreditation from the American Public Works Association (APWA) after a three-year evaluation of its operations, policies, and management practices. This accreditation signifies the Village's compliance with recommended management practices and commitment to ongoing improvement in delivering critical infrastructure maintenance services. 

“We’re extremely honored that the men and women of our Department of Public Works have earned this recognition. It is a testament to their commitment and dedication to ensuring that our Village’s infrastructure is operating safely and efficiently at all times,” said Elk Grove Village Mayor Craig Johnson.

 The Village’s Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of Village-owned property, infrastructure, and equipment. The department maintains water and sewer utilities, public streets and right of ways, urban forestry and land, and other critical infrastructure.

“We sought accreditation status because we knew that putting ourselves, our policies, and our operations under the close scrutiny of industry experts would help us identify areas where we can further strengthen our operations and serve our residents,” said Public Works Director Colby Basham. Elk Grove Village is one of just ten Illinois communities to have been accredited by the APWA.